Saturday, July 31, 2010

Home Sweet Home

~God has blessed me with a love for hearth and home. I prefer to be home more than anywhere else. It is here at home where my husband and I have decided we will teach and disciple our children. It is here at home where I love to watch my oldest son laugh and play and smile. It is here at home where my daughter loves to play "mommies" and where she decided that, when she grows up, she wants to be a "mommy and an ice cream scooper." It is here at home that my youngest son will cry and cry for hours when he is put down to sleep, but if I lay next to him, he smiles and drifts to sleep instantly. It is here at home where my husband and I share our dreams with each other in stolen moments of adult conversation.
     I am so thankful to Almighty God for his words in Titus 2, verse 5, that tell the young women working at home..., for I love to be busy at home and my humble heart loves that God wants me to do so. So this blog will be dedicated to sharing my love for hearth and home and my love for the people I hope to bless within our humble abode.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing this first post! It is a genuine expression of your contentment with making your house a HOME:) Thank you for the blessing that you are to our family! Can't wait to read more in the future!
